Hi I’m Michelle,
I am an adventure seeking, plant-loving, vitiligo embracing photographer based in Northern Virginia. My number one moto in life is we are beautiful BECAUSE of our differences! Having vitiligo has taught me this and inspired me to spread this message throughout my life. When I was younger, I started to believe that there is so much more to life than what we see, and that the world is meant to be explored. This belief has only grown stronger as I’ve grown older.
Photography has encouraged me to travel and explore the world not just with my own eyes, but through my lens as well. I love that I have the opportunity to capture beautiful moments and create endless memories for others. I would love for you to be a part of my journey!
No matter what special moment you are wanting to capture, I am here with you every step of the way. Whether it’s a 6 mile hike to the top of a mountain, a beautiful vineyard wedding, or a spontaneous photoshoot, my goal is to make sure that your experience with me is the perfect representation of how you want to make time stand still!
Let’s start our story!
Hi I’m Kujo!
I’m the official mascot and mommy’s favorite fur-child. I am a Shiba Inu with loads of personality and cat like features. I love tagging along in mommy’s adventures.
“Different is beautiful”
— Mama Cross